Practice from Sciences and Humanities 

Nursing Research

Discussion Board

Prepare a 350 word draft of a clinical problem that you would like to use for your Research project. There should be an introduction to the problem (as to why it is a problem) that is documented with literature, a clear problem statement (one declarative sentence that begins with “The problem is…”, and a purpose to your project. Post this as your Initial response. (Essential I-IX).

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

I. Practice from Sciences and Humanities

II. Organizational and Systems Leadership

III. Quality Improvement and Safety

IV. Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice

V. Informatics and Healthcare Technologies

VI. Health Policy and Advocacy

VII. Inter-professional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes

VIII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health

IX. Master’s Level Nursing Practice

You can use at least 2 references

How do health providers design educational programs to clearly articulate objectives to engage both patients as well as families?


Refer to the assigned reading, “Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives.” How do health providers design educational programs to clearly articulate objectives to engage both patients as well as families?

Using the health belief model, how can nurses encourage patients to make immediate and permanent behavior changes; particularly as they relate to lifestyle choices?


Using the health belief model, how can nurses encourage patients to make immediate and permanent behavior changes; particularly as they relate to lifestyle choices?

Diagnostic Reasoning And Rationale For Acute Illness


MN566 Discussion Board: Diagnostic Reasoning And Rationale For Acute Illness

No Plegarism please, assignment will be checked with Turnitin. 

Will need minimum of 250 words, APA Style, double spaced, times new romans, font 12, and and (3 references with intext citations) per discussion topic. 

Pick one problem from the list provided below.

**  cough  **

 Discuss and include your rationales with answers to the 4 questions below

What questions need to be asked and what body part needs to be examined?

What diagnostic tests need to be obtained and why?

How would you handle abnormal finding?

What will be your list of differentials?

 Poor Patient Outcome

MN566 Written Assignment: Poor Patient Outcome

No Plegarism please, assignment will be checked with Turnitin. 

Will need minimum of 3 pages, title, and reference page APA Style, double spaced, times new romans, font 12, and and 3 references with intext citations.

Poor Patient Outcome

Relying solely on the classic features of a disease may be misleading. That’s because the clinical presentation of a disease often varies: the symptoms and signs of many conditions are non-specific initially and may require hours, days, or even months to develop.

Generating a differential diagnosis; that is, developing a list of the possible conditions that might produce a patient’s symptoms and signs — is an important part of clinical reasoning. It enables appropriate testing to rule out possibilities and confirm a final diagnosis.

This case portrays a poor patient outcome after a misdiagnosis.

Case scenario

A previously healthy 35-year-old lawyer presents to a primary care office with a chief complaint of chest pain and a non-productive cough. The pain started suddenly 2 hours prior to coming to the office while the patient was sitting at his desk. The patient describes the pain as sharp in nature, constantly present but made worse with inspiration and movement, and with radiation to the base of the neck. His blood pressure in the right arm and other vital signs are normal.

On physical examination the only findings of note are chest wall tenderness and a faint cardiac murmur. The ECG in the office is normal. The patient is observed for an hour in the office and assessed. He is diagnosed with viral pleurisy and sent home on non-steroidal analgesics.

The following day the patient collapses at home and cannot be resuscitated by the paramedic service. An autopsy reveals a Type 1 aortic dissection with pericardial tamponade.

Written Assignment:

Developing a list of possible conditions that might produce a patient’s symptoms and signs is an important part of clinical reasoning.

As an NP in primary care what would you have done differently?

Discuss the importance of creating a list of differentials for this patient. How could it have changed this outcome?

If a serious diagnosis comes to mind based on a patient’s symptoms:

Ask yourself; Have you considered the likelihood of it and whether it needs to be ruled out by testing or referral?

Because many serious disorders are challenging to diagnose, have you considered ruling out the worst case scenario?

Ask yourself: Do you have sufficient understanding of the clinical presentation to offer an opinion on the diagnosis?

What other diagnosis could it be? How might the treatment to date have altered the patient outcome?

What other diagnostic and laboratory or imaging was needed in order to make a complete differential list?

What support tools would you consider using in helping to create a differential diagnosis list?

Are you familiar with the current clinical practice guidelines for the investigation of a suspected condition such as chest pain?

tenets of the Theory of Human becoming and its core concepts and assumptions

Nursing Theory

Reflect on the tenets of the Theory of Human becoming and its core concepts and assumptions. Then compare and contrast how the core concepts currently apply to your nursing practice versus how you anticipate they will relate to your future practice as a family nurse practitioner. Please identify at least 2 specific assumptions of the theory in your discussion as outlined in your textbook.

Use the chapters

Chapter 14: Martha E. Roger’s Science of Unitary Human Beings

Chapter 15: Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s Humanbecoming Paradigm


Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice (Parker, Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice)

Authors: Marlaine Smith PhD RN AHN-BC FAAN; Marilyn E. Parker PhD RN FAAN

Edition: 4

I attached the power point referents to this chapters.

benefits and consequences of applying the Theory of Integral Nursing to clinical practice

Nursing Theory

Read the attached article and analyze the identified benefits and consequences of applying the Theory of Integral Nursing to clinical practice. Discuss your analysis and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the scholarly article. Specify 2 MSN Essentials which most relate to the application of the Theory of Integral Nursing in clinical practice.

Theory of Integral Nursing & Practice.pdf

**Under the Class Resources tab, students will find the MSN Essentials which help to guide and shape graduate nursing education. Select 2 of these essentials that most closely reflect the concepts of the theory of integral nursing as instructed above.**

I attached PDF document that you have to use to do this assigment.

Dan Ariely’s Ted Talk identifies three main determinants of how team members identify value in their work: meaning, recognition and ownership.

Dan Ariely’s Ted Talk identifies three main determinants of how team members identify value in their work: meaning, recognition and ownership.

Apply these three elements to your own experience of being a member of a team. Provide an example from your own experience of how this was (or was not) provided from a team you were a part if. Your example can be related to previous experience with a work team, sports team, church, choir/band, etc.

Identify the team and provide some some context, who was the leader, and discuss your role and elements related to finding meaning, recognition and ownership from the experience. Finally, what could have been done differently or better to provide the elements of meaning, recognition and ownership to your team role?

Write a two page APA formatted paper and use two outside sources to support your reasoning.

How did the manager’s action make you feel? Explain.

On the basis of the Leadership Styles Scenario A, answer the following questions:

What style did the leader exhibit? Describe events pointing out how your selected leader worked by certain principles.
Report details of the scenario demonstrating how you were led to perform.
How did you improve your overall attitude and motivation based on a supportive leader?
How does working in a positive organization with supportive leadership encourage staff performance at work each day?
What leadership skills will you take from your positive experience and use when you are in a leadership position?

On the basis of the Leadership Styles Scenario B, answer the following questions:

What style did the leader exhibit? Describe events pointing out your selected leader’s leadership style.
Report details of the scenario demonstrating how you were led in his or her team.
How did the manager’s action make you feel? Explain.
Which leadership behaviors do you think your selected leader lacked?
How important is it for a leader to be trained to guide and motivate the staff members to enhance team unity, enthusiasm, and positive attitudes?

Have You Had Any Experience Working With The Legislative Process Related To Your Nursing Career?

Have You Had Any Experience Working With The Legislative Process Related To Your Nursing Career? Did You Get Involved In Contacting Lawmakers As Part Of The Efforts Of A Professional Organization? If So, Please Share A Little About This Experience.

Have You Had Any Experience Working With The Legislative Process Related To Your Nursing Career? Did You Get Involved In Contacting Lawmakers As Part Of The Efforts Of A Professional Organization? If So, Please Share A Little About This Experience.