Reply to the following response

Adult D:ev Reply 7


Original Question:

For this week’s Forum, respond to the following:   Parenting is probably the most difficult job one can ever face, yet the rewards are indescribable.  Pick ONE stage (e.g., infancy/toddler years, elementary school years, or adolescence) and describe the most important goals for parents with a child in that stage.  Based on your readings, what are the biggest sources of parental stress during that stage?  What types of parenting strategies are most successful at that stage?

Reply to the following response with 200 words minimum. (please make response as if having a conversation, respond directly to some of the statements in below post. This is not providing an analysis of the original post. Respectfully address it and even ask clarifying or additional questions.)


Of course, we know this terrible day to be tragic and frightening regardless of age or socioeconomic status. To be 85 years old and have this many ailments, the level of fear combined with the unknown fate would be amplified immensely. On average, 27 percent of people who are 85 years and older live alone, while it is highly likely that nursing home care is required (Psyc 200, n.d.). Regardless of whether I lived alone or was under the care of nursing home staff, knowing how expeditiously I was removed from harm depends on others, is rather terrifying. In cases like this, selfless acts can really go either way. Uncommon bravery could become customary or it could be every man for himself as their level of fear rises. One will really not know how they would react in such a situation. Speaking about the level of courage you have or would like to have, does not always pan out that way when the conflict arises.

It is highly likely that required medications would soon need to be taken and possibly filled, meals prepared and groceries would need to be shopped for, along with other errands. Clearly, I depend on someone to help me. I would be scared, worried and nervous. All of these feelings is excess could pose adverse effects on my old and frail body. That along with the probability of death increasing substantially with a lack of food, medication and proper care.

In reality, the level of chaos around the city and the help those in dire need required, the time it would take for someone to get to the home of each elderly person to administer the proper care would take a considerable amount longer than usual. Especially in this case, as people wait for the “all clear” there will be reluctance due to the severity of the incidents that took place.

Regardless, my mobility isn’t the best, but I would still make efforts to eat, use the restroom and get around the house accordingly. I would not try to leave or do anything outside my comfort zone in regard to my capabilities. In some cases, being calm and collected will prove to be advantageous. Having hope in this situation, is really what is going to get me through.



Psyc 200 Lifespan Psychology. Authored by: Laura Overstreet. Located at: License:  CC BY: Attribution



During September 11, 2001, there was a terrorist attack whereby 19 militants who are members of the extremist al-Qaeda group hijacked four airplanes and executed a suicide attack against the United States which was the main target. One of the challenges that I faced as a frail is that I experienced sadness and shock as a result of the incident (Sterns, & Bernard, 2009). Since I did not have a car, I would not be in a position to move out of the New York City to another place. The incidence thus had a great psychological impact on me. I experienced emotional trauma due to the disaster. As a result of the shock, I developed physical symptoms characterized by severe stomach and headache. I also experienced the feelings of sadness since I did not have a solution to the problem and I was not aware of how I could solve the issue.

The other challenge that I experienced on that day is the lack of appetite (Cefalu, 2014). This was due to the emotional as well as the mental disruption resulting from the terrorist attack. Being a frail elder, I have trouble walking around from one place to another. I experienced lots of tension as I glared at the screens watching on the updates on the issues that were taking place. Remaining calm and relaxed was difficult. Although I did not have a solution to the problem and I could not have taken any action to assist in this, I was stressed by the situation, and this resulted in the loss of appetite. The thought of this was sickening. I also experienced difficulties sleeping due to the fear of the unknown. I was also nervous , because my medications run out. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t have any food, nobody to help. I felt so lonely, but tried to keep calm and hopeful for the help to come soon. I used whatever I had in a house to survive.

Cefalu, C. (2014). Disaster preparedness for seniors : a comprehensive guide for healthcare professionals. New York, NY: Springer.

Sterns, H. & Bernard, M. (2009). Gerontological and geriatric education. New York: Springer.


Hello class,

I actually lived in upstate New York in Fishkill during the September 11th, 2001 attacks, however, I was 12 years old. I have a lot of family who lives in the Bronx in the city especially my grandparents who didn’t drive or own a car but were not 85 at that time. They were in their 70s at that time and I will be using some of their experiences that they faced. If I were to imagine that I was 85 years old living in New York City who was frail and didn’t own a car my first concern would be worrying about my children or grandchildren if they lived in the city and traveled for work or school within the city by train or bus. Therefore, the stress of worrying about my family and myself can be a special challenge in itself because it can cause an increase in blood pressure. If I had high blood pressure problems which impact 17.1 percent of individuals over the age of 75 and rates higher in women then this can be an issue (“Module 10: Late”, 2017). Communication might have been difficult during that time as well making it harder to contact people, especially if I relied on my children or grandchildren for any of my special needs. Other issues I may face could be visual problems since I have current visual problems now it may be an issue for me later. According to our readings, the most common causes of vision loss in older adults can be due to glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy (“Module 10: Late”, 2017). Some other challenges I could face is mobility issues such as having arthritis, if I needed to get out of the place I was living in it could be difficult. With arthritis impacting me which can cause swelling in the joints and connective tissues it can limit my movement (“Module 10: Late”, 2017). If I was living on my own perhaps, I would probably be living in a building and some of the older buildings may not have elevators so taking the stairs may be dangerous as well. Arthritis in late adulthood is most common in women than men that increases as the individual ages and about 19.3 percent of individuals over the age of 75 are disabled because of arthritis (“Module 10: Late”, 2017).



Module 10: Late Adulthood. (2017, October 18). Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

** Please don’t just rephrase their info, but respond to it. Remember to answer question at the end if there is one. **


Professional practice portfolio use 

Assignment – Medical / Nursing Tutors Only


This task comprises three components.

1. Professional practice portfolio use 

Professional practice portfolios are asserted to be beneficial to demonstrate the capability for professional nursing practice.

  • Describe a professional practice portfolio and the recommended components.
  • Present a written argument for the use of a professional practice portfolio to demonstrate professional nursing practice. This argument should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issues; include why portfolios should be used and a discussion of the benefits and challenges of using a professional practice portfolio to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice.
    Discuss and differentiate between management and leadership competencies and describe how development of these competencies could be evidenced in a professional practice portfolio.
  • • Support your argument with at least seven scholarly sources from 2011 onwards.

Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology

READ THIS FIRST! 30 pages long (not including the title page or the references). $25 now and $125 when done. If you fail me, I get a full refund. You can actually start writing the answers today. I will receive the vignette on February 22nd at 12am (my time) and this assignment is due on February 27th. Plagiarism free and not allowed to run a turnitin report.

Fieldwork Observation Task

Fieldwork Observation Task

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Bottom of Form

Assignment 2: Fieldwork Observation Task

Fieldwork Observation: Overview

In this course, you will experience a fieldwork placement designed to introduce you to professionals and to specialized practices in the field of forensic psychology. This assignment will help you learn how to apply the knowledge learned in this course in the real world as well as develop and polish your networking skills.

In Module 1, you will investigate and develop a list of potential fieldwork locations for observing and talking with forensic psychology professionals. Develop a list of at least three potential placements. There is a wide range of professionals who work within the legal and correctional systems. Your interaction with these professionals can be face-to-face, as with a tour of a facility or an interview, or it can occur over the phone when face-to-face meetings are not practical.

You have three fieldwork-related assignments in this course.

To prepare for your fieldwork, perform the following tasks:

· Develop a plan in Module 2 in which you identify options and develop time lines for the fieldwork you will complete throughout the course.

· Document plans for specific days and times for the observation and conversation scheduled for fieldworks to be conducted.

· Actively plan, reconfirm, and conduct fieldwork activities; however, the actual scheduling of these activities may be staggered to accommodate fieldwork practitioner’s schedules.

· Develop alternate plans in the event one or more scheduled activities might be cancelled.

Your fieldwork observation should include the following:

· Name of the professional

· Affiliation of the professional

· Degrees and licensure

· Types of training in forensic psychology (if applicable)

· Primary job responsibilities

· Client population served

· Any ethical conflicts the professional routinely encounters

· Recommendations to a graduate student in forensic psychology

· Other observations as deemed appropriate

· Reflection on what you learned from the fieldwork experience

By Module 2, you should have a schedule for conducting your fieldwork assignment so that you can submit a fieldwork plan in M2 Assignment 1. You will report on the fieldwork experience in M3 Assignment 2 RA 1.

It is crucial to contact individuals this week in order to arrange a time to meet or converse with them as many of them may have busy schedules and will need advance notice.

Identify Potential Fieldwork Locations

In this module, you will investigate and identify options for observing and discussing with professionals on various aspects of forensic psychology at work in the legal system. The fieldwork observation can occur at a variety of facilities and with a range of professionals, including, but not limited to, the following:

· Forensic psychology professionals in private practice

· Forensic psychology professionals working in a correctional setting

· Mental health professionals in facilities providing forensic services such as community-based treatment for offenders or crisis centers accepting involuntarily admitted patients

· Attorneys who work with forensic psychology professionals as in family law, personal injury for psychological damages, or with issues of competency and criminal responsibility

· Police departments

Note: Some police departments may only use psychology professionals on a consulting basis. Therefore, it would be helpful to inquire at the local police agency about whether it has a psychology professional among the staff or whether it uses one as a consultant for preemployment evaluations. You may also want to speak with polygraph administrators who assess offenders.

· Mental health professionals at juvenile detention centers and mental health professionals who provide services to victims of abuse and sexual assault in public and private agencies

· Polygraph administrators who assess offenders

· Mental health professionals who work with children and adolescents involved in the legal system, such as juvenile courts


In a minimum of 250 words, respond to the following:

· Develop a list of three potential fieldwork locations.

· Describe why each might be of interest and value. Also, include any additional information gathered about each location.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Articulated the essence of each selected case related to the six legal areas.

Individual Research Task

Top of Form

Assignment 3: Individual Research Task

Individual Research: Overview

As a forensic psychology professional, you need to critically analyze statutory and case laws related to psycholegal issues and correctly apply the knowledge from your analysis in your work. The individual research course projects will provide you with the opportunity to analyze the landmark cases related to psycholegal issues.

In Module 1, identify at least one landmark legal case or court decision for each of these important psycholegal areas: CST, criminal responsibility (MSO), the right to mental health treatment, the right to refuse psychiatric treatment, coercion to mental health treatment, and participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders.

Critically analyze the essence of the selected cases.

You may be asking what it means to discuss the “essence” of a court decision. The essence of a court decision involves two things: (1) the issue under dispute and (2) how the court decided that issue. You can usually summarize this information in one or two paragraphs. Remember that you need to identify the final decision by the highest court. Landmark cases are almost always the cases that have been appealed to higher courts for a ruling on an issue of law.

Looking Ahead

Through Modules 2 and 3, you should continue to conduct research on professional literature to find additional information regarding the selected cases to create a case report. Note that professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

You may refer to the following links for additional information:

· Landmark Cases of the US Supreme Court

· Supreme Court of the U.S.

· Google

· US Supreme Court Center

In M4 Assignment 2, you will create and submit a case report for each case related to competency and criminal responsibility right to treatmentright to refuse treatmentcoercion, and participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders. You are highly encouraged to work on these case reports on a weekly basis and not wait until Module 4 to complete. Write each case report in 2–3 paragraphs, providing your analysis and interpretation of the case. In addition, analyze the roles and responsibilities of a forensic psychology professional in the circumstances presented in each case.

Click here to view a sample case report, which you will use as a template in your M4 Assignment 2 to write your case reports.

Note: Remember that you do not need to use the sample report in this assignment. You only need to write about the essence of the case. You will utilize the sample case format in Module 4.

Landmark Case Selection

In this assignment, you will research specific cases, describe the essence of each case, and critically analyze how each relates to the practice of forensic psychology.

Click here to view a list of landmark cases.


· Select one case for each of the following six legal areas:


· Criminal responsibility (MSO)

· Right to receive mental health treatment

· Right to refuse psychiatric treatment

· Coercion to mental health treatment

· Participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders

Conduct individual research from professional literature to critically analyze the essence of the selected cases in forensic psychology. Note that professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov). Present your choices, as well as your critical analysis of the essence of each case, in 2- to 3-paragraphs in a Microsoft Word document.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Articulated the essence of each selected case related to the six legal areas. 80
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20
Total: 100

Preventing Medication Errors Among Nurses

4 Page Paper Including The Reference Page In APA

Topic: Preventing Medication Errors Among Nurses

Page 1: Introduction-Statistics, Costs, Medication Error involving Nurses

Page 2: Factors Contributing Medication Errors in Nursing Practice

Page 3: Preventing Medication Errors Among Nurses

Page 4: Reference in APA format

***Each page containing at least 3 peer-reviewed article references please.

Describe common behavioral characteristics of newborns and the theoretical perspective with regards to the specified behaviors.

Day Four Discussion Topic One

Describe common behavioral characteristics of newborns and the theoretical perspective with regards to the specified behaviors.

Give your feedback in regards to his comments about nature vs. nurture

Day Four Assignment

Read the following article on TED’s blog “On nature versus nurture: A neuroscientist knee-deep in diapers reflects.”

Give your feedback in regards to his comments about nature vs. nurture in a 350-word APA paper with adequate references to support your answers.

After discussion with your mentor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based practice project

Discussion Post

 1] After discussion with your mentor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based practice project(Childhood Obesity). Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects.

2] Now that you have completed a series of assignments that have led you into the active project planning and development stage for your project, briefly describe your proposed solution to address the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and how it has changed since you first envisioned it. What led to your current perspective and direction?

behavior System Model of Nursing

Power Point Presentation

The student will select a nurse theorist…

theory selected: Dorothy E. Johnson (Behavior System Model of Nursing …

and prepare a PowerPoint presentation describing the background of the theorist, description of the theory, assumptions of the theory, the application of the theory to nursing practice, and the compatibility of the theory to your personal philosophy of nursing. Below you will see the criteria for each slide:

The Grading Criteria for the Nurses Theorist Presentation:

Background of the theorist                                               20%

Description of the theory                                                  20%

Assumptions of the theorist                                              20%

Comparison to your personal philosophy of nursing           10%

Application to a clinical situation                                       20%

Presentation style and creativity                                       10%

Total                100%