Taking acid-reducing medicines cab contribute to other health problems. Identify and discuss one “hidden” problem that can occur with the use of drugs in this class, whether prescription or over-the-counter.

Taking acid-reducing medicines cab contribute to other health problems. Identify and discuss one “hidden” problem that can occur with the use of drugs in this class, whether prescription or over-the-counter.
Taking acid-reducing medicines cab contribute to other health problems.

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Differentiate between the pharmacological treatment for each stage of hypertension
1. Synthesize current guidelines on the staging of hypertension.
2. Differentiate between the pharmacological treatment for each stage of hypertension.

Purpose: To learn how to stage and treat hypertension according the JNC 7 Report.
Assignment Description:
Review the Seventh Report of the Joint Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of Hypertension (JNC VII) at the following site: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/hypertension/.
Discuss the stages of hypertension according to this report and list the first-line medications for each stage of hypertension.


Limit your response to 4 pages. Format paper according to APA 6th ed.

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Identify and describe the heritage of health and healing in faith based communities.
1. Identify and describe the heritage of health and healing in faith based communities.

2.Use multiple resources to collaborate community nursing with faith based nursing.

3.Analyze at least three benefits of community nurses forming partnerships with parish nurses and faith based communities

4.Explain a nurse’s role as parish nurse in faith communities for health promotion and disease prevention

5.Explain how communities of faith may include Healthy People 2020 guidelines in program planning

6.Describe at least 2 legal, ethical, or financial issues related to parish nursing.