Improvement Plan Tool Kit

  • For this assessment, you will develop an online resource repository of at least 12 annotated professional or scholarly resources that you consider critical for the audience of your safety improvement plan to understand or implement to ensure the success of the plan.Communication in the health care environment consists of an information-sharing experience whether through oral or written messages (Chard & Makary, 2015). As health care organizations and nurses strive to create a culture of safety and quality care, the importance of interprofessional collaboration, the development of tool kits, and the use of wikis become more relevant and vital. In addition to the dissemination of information and evidence-based findings and the development of tool kits, continuous support for and availability of such resources are critical. Among the most popular methods to promote ongoing dialogue and information sharing are blogs, wikis, websites, and social media. Nurses know how to support people in time of need or crisis and how to support one another in the workplace; wikis in particular enable nurses to continue that support beyond the work environment. Here they can be free to share their unique perspectives, educate others, and promote health care wellness at local and global levels (Kaminski, 2016).

    Demonstration of Proficiency

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
      • Analyze the usefulness of resources to role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements.
    • Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.
      • Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk or improve quality.
    • Competency 3: Identify organizational interventions to promote patient safety.
      • Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and sustainability of a safety improvement initiative.
    • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
      • Present compelling reasons and relevant situations for resource tool kit to be used by its target audience.
      • Communicate in a clear, logically structured, and professional manner, using current APA style and formatting.

    Chard, R., & Makary, M. A. (2015). Transfer-of-care communication: Nursing best practices. AORN Journal, 102(4), 329–342.Kaminski, J. (2016). Why all nurses can/should be authors. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 11(4), 1–7.

    Professional Context

    Nurses are often asked to implement processes, concepts, or practices—sometimes with little preparatory communication or education. One way to encourage sustainability of quality and process improvements is to assemble an accessible, user-friendly tool kit for knowledge and process documentation. Creating a resource repository or tool kit is also an excellent way to follow up an educational or in-service session, as it can help to reinforce attendees’ new knowledge as well as the understanding of its value. By practicing creating a simple online tool kit, you can develop valuable technology skills to improve your competence and efficacy.


    For this assessment, consider taking one of these two approaches:

    1. Build on the work done in your first three assessments and create an online tool kit or resource repository that will help the audience of your in-service understand the research behind your safety improvement plan and put the plan into action.
    2. Locate a safety improvement plan through an external resource (your current organization, Institution for Healthcare Improvement, or publicly available safety improve initiative) and create an online tool kit or resource repository that will help an audience understand the research behind the safety improvement plan and how to put the plan into action.


    Google Sites is recommended for this assessment; the tools are free to use and should offer you a blend of flexibility and simplicity as you create your online tool kit. Please note that this requires a Google account; use your Gmail or GoogleDocs login, or create an account following the directions under the “Create Account” menu.Refer to the following links to help you get started with Google Sites:


    Using Google Sites, assemble an online resource tool kit containing at least 12 annotated resources that you consider critical to the success of your safety improvement initiative. These resources should enable nurses and others to implement and maintain the safety improvement you have developed.It is recommended that you focus on the 3 or 4 most critical categories or themes with respect to your safety improvement initiative. For example, if your initiative concerns improving workplace safety for practitioners, you might choose broad themes such as general organizational safety and quality best practices; environmental safety and quality risks; individual strategies to improve personal and team safety; and process best practices for reporting and improving environmental safety issues.Following the recommended scheme, you would collect 3 resources on average for each of the 4 categories. Each resource listing should include the following:

    • An APA-formatted citation of the resource with a working link.
    • A description of the information, skills, or tools provided by the resource.
    • A brief explanation of how the resource can help nurses better understand or implement the safety improvement initiative.
    • A description of how nurses can use this resource and when its use may be appropriate.

    Here is an example entry:

    • Merret, A., Thomas, P., Stephens, A., Moghabghab, R., & Gruneir, M. (2011). A collaborative approach to fall prevention. Canadian Nurse, 107(8), 24–29. Retrieved from…
      • This article presents the Geriatric Emergency Management-Falls Intervention Team (GEM-FIT) project. It shows how a collaborative nurse lead project can be implemented and used to improve collaboration and interdisciplinary teamwork, as well as improve the delivery of health care services. This resource is likely more useful to nurses as a resource for strategies and models for assembling and participating in an interdisciplinary team than for specific fall-prevention strategies. It is suggested that this resource be reviewed prior to creating an interdisciplinary team for a collaborative project in a health care setting.

    Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

    • Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and continued sustainability of a safety improvement initiative.
    • Analyze the usefulness of resources to the role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements.
    • Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk.
    • Present compelling reasons and relevant situations for use of resource tool kit by its target audience.
    • Communicate in a clear, logically structured, and professional manner that applies current APA style and formatting.


An initial post that respond to all four questions below. Be specific in your responses (5 points):

  1. What is something in your notes that didn’t make sense before, but makes sense now?
  2. What is something from the book that didn’t make sense before and still doesn’t make sense now? Cite the text.
  3. What is something in your notes that made sense when you wrote it down, but doesn’t make sense now?
  4. What is something that you have done this week that helped you make sense of a troublesome topic?

Book log in:


Password: Novsalber57…

please complete this work as best as you can be

I will attach all the work I turned in so you can use it to complete the assignment below:



The final project for NSG6101 consists of the development of a novel research proposal specific to your role specialization. The project must include an intervention appropriate to nursing practice and consistent with your MSN role option. An alternative to the above includes the selection of a specialty organization to focus research proposals based on the priorities of that organization. Examples of these organizations could include (but are not limited to): Sigma Theta Tau International, American Nurses’ Foundation, Oncology Nursing Society, Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, American Psychiatric Nursing Association, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners, National League For Nursing, etc.

Throughout this course you have been developing various sections of the research proposal. This week you will assemble the final proposal (addressing faculty feedback). This paper is to be developed in APA format/style using the required template and not to exceed 8-10 pages (excluding title page/references/appendices).


  • Background and Significance of Problem
  • Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study

Literature Review

  • Summary of the Evidence for the Proposed Study

Research Question, Hypothesis, and Variables with Operational Definitions

Theoretical Framework

  • Overview and Guiding Propositions(s) Described in Theory
  • Application of Theory to Your Study’s/Project’s Focus


  • Sample/Setting: Number and criteria for inclusion and description of place in which data will be collected.
  • Sampling Strategy
  • Research Design: Type (e.g., Quasi-Experimental), description, and rationale for selection.
  • Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).
  • Instruments: Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s).
  • Description of the Intervention
  • Data Collection Procedures
  • Data Analysis Plans
    • Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests).
    • Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical tests).

Ethical Issues

  • Describe ethical considerations and your plan to protect human rights.

Limitation of Proposed Study
Implications for Practice

  • Informed Consent Letter
    • Procedure section is clear, described in detail, specific, and all inclusive. Written in lay language (as documented by reading level score). Includes risks and benefits relevant to study. Address assent (if applicable).

Finish two assignments

Assignment #1:

Watch the Love Canal and Santa Clara Water District videos.

Love Canal happened in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. It resulted in a major Environmental Protection Act (EPA) called CERCLA or Superfund.

After watching the videos and reviewing the information posted on Superfund (Attached) in the PowerPoint of the website, answer the following questions:

1) Who was Lois Gibbs and what was her role in the Love Canal event?

2) What was the main chemical found at Love Canal. What health issues does that chemical cause?

3) What are the major issues you see with the Love Canal case study? How did it happen and who specifically do you think is to blame?

4) What could and should have been done to keep Love Canal from happening?

5) What specifically does the Superfund Act accomplish? Do you think it is effective?

6) Love Canal has supposedly been cleaned up? Do you think it is?

7) After watching the video on the Santa Clara County Water District, how do you feel about their ability to clean and use contaminated water? Do you have any concerns?

8) We all love our new technological products developed in Silicon Valley. Do you have any concerns that the chemicals used in the manufacturing process of semiconductors and computer chip technology back in the 1980’s can have an impact on our health today? Why or why not? Do some research and state your sources

Assignment #2:

Sustainable Cities Assignment.

There are over 326 Cities in the world with populations greater than 1 Million people each. A number of issues are associated with large cities. There are environmental issues, economic issues and issues that affect people and social equity.

Watch the videos on the class website and review the PowerPoint presentation on the class website. In addition, do some light research on “issues associated with large cities”



1) Describe in detail THREE environmental issues caused by large cities.

2) List and describe THREE sustainable solutions that address these problems.

3) Describe TWO Social Justice issues and TWO Economic issues associated with large cities.

4) How SPECIFICALLY do the solutions you’ve provided positively address ALL aspects of the sustainability triangle or triple bottom line (Environment, Equity, Economy) ?

Support Videos: Video#1, Video#2

Attached the lecture

Issue of Civilian with Guns Violence Data Source Case Study Assignment

For this class project you’ll be addressing the issue of gun violence.

You will be expected to read about gun violence and develop a hypothesis, identify the data source that can be used to address your hypothesis, and operationalize your plan with population description, sampling features, an intervention, outcomes you will measure, ethical issues you must address, and the benefits potentially gained by your intervention including both population outcomes and economic benefits.

Here is a link to reviews that will point you to the many areas of gun violence from practitioner perception to domestic violence. These reviews should give you enough information to find a area of interest. Your hypothesis can then be developed from the focus of your interest and you must develop an intervention to study.

A challenge you may face is that much of the gun violence work is older due to blocks on government collection of data. When you design your intervention, remember that you must adhere to current guidelines forbidding data that supports a position to limit firearms. So, the focus of your hypothesis may be based on limiting firearms availability but you can not test that approach and must show how other approaches can reduce the undesirable outcomes of firearm exposure.

For example, suicide by firearms would be reduced if all persons with mental health diagnosis were forbidden from firearm possession but you may not offer a ban on possession. Instead, you must offer other approaches that might reduce suicide by firearm. And no, banning bullets is the same thing.

For your project, please include these related areas together in your analysis.

Part 1: Your background data is drawn from national and local collections of information. As we have spoken in class, data sources must be reviewed for their positive and negative attributes to provide an accurate picture of the population you’re interested in.

For your chosen topic, please provide 3 positive and 3 negative attributes of the data sources used. Please provide at least 2 refereed articles describing their positive and negative attributes such that I may understand how you came to choose the attributes you did.

Include this sentence in your part 1 “The data sources used for the assessment of my chosen subject were…” and sentences like “Among the 3 positive attributes I see for this data source are…” and “Among the 3 negative attributes I see for this data source are”. These will help focus your opinions and likely should be in separate paragraphs.

Part 2: For your chosen topic, generate a hypothesis that explains how gun violence occurs and how your intervention could affect the negative outcomes from firearms and be careful to choose explanations that you can test. (Hint, it should be something that you can think of ways to measure.) You can read about whatever part of gun violence you like and when you say to yourself “Well, that is wrong” you have found your focus.

Hypotheses can come from anywhere so do not assume you might not have a great idea for a solution. I am reminded of the story of a health club whose shampoo budget was out of control. Members kept taking the shampoo bottles. The board thought about searching members bags, not offering shampoo, and many others till the janitor sitting in the back starts chucking. The chair asks if he has a thought anad his reply is “Take the caps.” Simple answers can come from anywhere so yes, you can find a good hypothesis worthy of testing.

Use a sentence like “The hypothesis is gun suicides depend on having guns that look like guns and guns that are shaped like flowers would reduce gun suicides.”

Part 3: Design the study to answer your proposed hypothesis reducing negative firearm outcomes.

You may find at this point that you may want to choose a new hypothesis or stat it in a different way because it is too difficult to test. Welcome to science. You may have been considering a project that is too big; you may consider if known factors such as A, B, or C, which are known to be associated with outcome Y, may be easier to measure A, B, and C rather than the long-term outcome Y.

For example, if you know that cigarette smoking is associated with lung cancer or premature death, instead of measuring the effect of your intervention or idea that reduces cancer or death, you might choose to measure how often someone stops smoking after you have exposed some of them to your intervention.

Please indicate the nature of your study. You’ll need to suggest how likely your intervention will be to produce change and that magnitude of change will determine how many exposed individuals to your intervention and how many nonexposed individuals to your intervention will need to be monitored. The study duration and specific outcome measurements and how you plan to apply statistical measures to these outcomes must be clearly defined.

You will be spared the need to draft a institutional review board (IRB) application and the need for an informed consent but you should list the potential ethical concerns of patients who are exposed to or not exposed to your proposed intervention. Flower-shaped guns could trigger a psychological crisis if someone had been assaulted by a bouquet, so while a goofy example, a plan for dealing with the issue would be an ethical responsibility.

Part 4: You’ll be asked to state if the results of your study are successful at improving your hypothesis what can we expect as a potential benefit for adopting your intervention. If your study is meaningful and addresses a concern of significant size or cost, what will be the change in mortality, illnesses, employability, and potential cost savings. You were not being asked to produce economic forcasts but to list these potential benefits in a qualitative form.

For example, if I am able to reduce the number of individuals smoking cigarettes by 50% in the one year duration of my study, I would expect that lung cancer is less frequent and life expectancy will be longer, I would expect fewer patients to require medical attention for lung disease and cancer, I would expect more individuals to work to the full length of their life, and costs would be saved by less treatment of lung disease and cancer and the requirement for less disability from medical diseases of the lung.

Needless to say, anyone using the example of flower shaped guns, will receive a 0.

Good luck and I expect these reports to be no more than 3 pages but can include tables and charts as not counted addendums.

Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory?

Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory. You will select a middle range theory and identify application of nursing theories into clinical practice.

Content Requirements:

  1. Components of the theory
    • Discuss the major concepts of the theory
    • Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health
  1. Structural aspects of the theory
    • Discuss the framework of the theory.
  1. Identify an area of your practice where this theory could be applicable
    • What question does the theory help to answer?
    • Describe the area of interest in relationship to the theory/theoretical model.
    • Is it appropriate for the practice setting and is it applicable?
    • Discuss the strength and weakness of the theory. If there is weakness, discuss what makes it difficult to be used in practice.
  1. Use of theory in clinical practice.
    • Performing a literature review is essential to completing this section. If there is no literature available about the application of this theory in practice, address reason(s) why based on your findings.
  1. Evaluation of theory
    • Is this theory used to understand and apply into practice?
    • What difficulties did you encounter or would anticipate encountering in using this theory?

APA Format in text citation

3-6 pages

4 to 6 Refereences

Herzing University Geriatric Population Discussion

Initial discussion response should be 300 words. This is not the only criteria utilized for evaluation; substantive content is imperative. All questions in the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments. All responses need to be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. In -text Citation and reference must adhere to APA format (6th Ed.).

This first discussion explores an overview of the geriatric client.

  • What age is geriatric?
  • What are the health expectations of the geriatric set?
  • Problems, issues, outcomes?
  • Describe some of your beliefs, ideas, and expectations about geriatric clients.
  • Compare this to two articles; one evidence-based, and one from the popular literature or web.
  • Draw conclusions and set expectations for this course.

watch the video and read the pdf then finish the lab question

This is your LAST lab. It is really important that you understand constraints. Many of you have a pretty good handle. Remember constraints are not always negative – constraints are variables that can influence your performance/behaviors. If you go to top of Come to Class there are some readings and also videos that may help you. Take one more look if you do not feel comfortable.…


password: zhiming1994

FNP perspective supporting an alternate opinion

Please respond to your peer’s posts, from an FNP perspective. To ensure that your responses are substantive, use at least two of these prompts:

  • Do you agree with your peers’ assessment?
  • Take an opposing view to a peer and present a logical argument supporting an alternate opinion.
  • Share your thoughts on how you support their opinion and explain why.
  • Present new references that support your opinions.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with in text-citations and references in APA format. Substantive means that you add something new to the discussion, you aren’t just agreeing. Be respectful and thoughtful.This is also a time to ask questions or offer information surrounding the topic addressed by your peers. Personal experience is appropriate for a substantive discussion and should be correlated to the literature.Minimum of 100 words.

Tracie’s response:

When is the ideal time to complete a clinical breast exam? What steps would you follow for concerning findings on the clinical breast exam? What age or risk factors indicate the need for a mammogram?

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, clinical breast exams (BE) should be performed annually in women ages 40 and older (Fuller, Lee & Elmore, 2016). For those who are low risk and women 20-39 years old, unclear recommendations state that these women should have a breast exam every one to three years (Fuller, Lee & Elmore, 2016). Breast exams do not replace routine mammograms for women of indicated age and those that are high risk. A breast exam helps screen for abnormalities such as tumors and cysts. The best time to do a monthly breast exam is while you are off of your period. A woman’s breasts are lumpier when she is on her menstrual cycle making it hard to perform an accurate breast exam (Sullivan, 2016).

When something abnormal is found on a BE, the next step is to make sure you do a good history and physical on the patient and try to determine her risks. If it’s appropriate, a mammogram, breast ultrasound, or a biopsy can be ordered for further diagnostic testing (Fuller, Lee & Elmore, 2016). A biopsy can identify abnormal cancer cells.

The age and risk factors that indicate the need for a mammogram start at age 40. Most of these women have this done annually. Every national society has different recommendations on when women should start mammograms.

For women who are at high risk of breast cancer, screening may begin at an earlier age. This includes women with a familial history of breast cancer. There is a genetic screening tool done in many offices that screen at risk women for cancer. It’s a series of questions asking about familial cancer history and if the women meets criteria, they will go and have their blood drawn and sent off to a lab.


Fuller, M., Lee, C., & Elmore, J. (2016, October). Breast Cancer Screening: An Evidence-Based Update. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Sullivan, D. (2016). Breast Self-Exam. Healthline. Retrieved from…

Jodie’s response:

Detail the routine health periodicity for the gynecologic and clinical breast exam. What health factors are utilized to determine the need for a Pap test? When is the Pap test no longer necessary?

Routine gynecological and breast exams for women begin at the age of twenty-one. A clinical breast exam is done by a trained doctor or nurse who uses his or her hands to feel for lumps or other changes in the breast (CDC, 2018). This is different from a mammogram that the female patient will need to complete later in life. The patient can perform a self-breast exam; however, it is not encouraged as many women were coming in with false alarms. A woman at average risk for breast cancer should get a mammogram when she is age 50-74 every two years. If she is at an increased risk due to a first degree relative having breast cancer then she should seek screening at age 40 (CDC, 2018). Doing self-exams or clinical breast exams do not lower the risk of breast cancer but can lead to early detection and better outcomes (Clinical Breast Exam, 2016).

Pap examination begins at the age of 21 unless otherwise warranted. The Pap smear looks for precancer cells or changes on the cervix that might become cervical cancer if they are not treated properly. The Pap smear also looks for human papillomavirus (HPV) that can cause these cell changes (CDC, 2019). Between the ages of 21-29 if the Pap is normal the test does not have to be repeated until every three years. Between the ages of 30-65 it is recommended that a woman takes one of three options that are agreed upon with her prescriber. If it has a Pap test only this should be continued every three years. If she desires HPV testing and has normal results this test should be completed every five years. It is most commonly done that a woman will have an HPV test along with a Pap test and if she has normal results than the test only needs to be repeated every five years. Once the woman is 65 or older she does not have to have a Pap test if she has had normal results for several years or had her cervix removed as part of a total hysterectomy for non-cancerous conditions (CDC, 2019). If a woman has a hysterectomy because of abnormal cervical cells or cervical cancer she should continue to get a Pap and HPV test (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2019).


CDC. (2018, September 11). What Is Breast Cancer Screening? Retrieved from Centers for Disease Controml and Prevention:…

CDC. (2019). What Should I Know About Screening? Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:…

Clinical Breast Exam. (2016). Retrieved from National Breast Cancer Foundations, INC.:…

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2019, January 31). Pap and HPV tests. Retrieved from Office on Women’s Heath :…

Contemporary issues teenagers face today essay

Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 750-850 word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission:

  1. Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue.
  2. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian.
  3. Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented.