Outline the process for developing nursing standards of practice, and identify the different entities that might be involved in developing a standard of practice.

Outline the process for developing nursing standards of practice, and identify the different entities that might be involved in developing a standard of practice.

Outline the process for developing nursing standards of practice, and identify the different entities that might be involved in developing a standard of practice.

Discuss the process you would apply to determine whether the procedure falls within the RN scope of practice and how you would go about introducing the new procedure with physicians and fellow nurses.

You have been asked to investigate a new procedure that physicians would like nurses to adopt in the hospital. Discuss the process you would apply to determine whether the procedure falls within the RN scope of practice and how you would go about introducing the new procedure with physicians and fellow nurses.

You have been asked to investigate a new procedure that physicians would like nurses to adopt in the hospital. Discuss the process you would apply to determine whether the procedure falls within the RN scope of practice and how you would go about introducing the new procedure with physicians and fellow nurses.

An analysis of the identified topic’s effects or consequences on the patient, patient’s family and health care system

Assessment 1: Written Essay:

Inter-professional Practice & Patient Safety

Word Limit: 2000 words


The purpose of this essay is to enable you to critically evaluate current research about adverse events in the acute environment. You will examine nursing strategies that can be used to prevent adverse events in a hospital including the role of inter-professional practice in promoting patient safety.

This assessment item will address all three (3) learning outcomes for this course.

Task description:

For this task you need to write a 2000-word essay.

1. Choose ONE of the following preventable adverse events options that may occur whilst a patient is in hospital:

a. Medications errors

b. Clinical management – failure to act

c. Hospital acquired infection

2. Write a critical evaluation of current research about adverse events in the acute environment. Note that the term critically evaluate “sometimes called critically analyse or review means to show the essence of something by breaking it down into it is components parts, examining each part in detail and explaining issues…”. It also means making connections and seeing relationships between information. The term critically evaluate also implies to weigh up strengths and weaknesses and judge the worth of the argument or position

3. Your essay MUST include the following components:

a. An opening paragraph that identifies the aim of the assignment (including ONE chosen adverse event from the list below)

b. A definition of an adverse event

c. A discussion of the prevalence of your chosen adverse event in an Australian hospital setting

d. An analysis of the identified topic’s effects or consequences on the patient, patient’s family and health care system

e. A critical evaluation of TWO nursing strategies involving inter-professional practice that may be used to prevent the chosen adverse event

f. A discussion of the potential barriers in achieving the chosen identified strategies in a hospital setting

g. A discussion about how the nurse may overcome the potential barriers in a hospital setting to promote patient safety

h. A conclusion with a final paragraph summarising the central points of your essay.

i. A Reference list formatted to APA6 style.

j. Reference to a minimum of 10 journal articles no more than five years old.

Other elements:

· Word limits for all assignments needs to be strictly adhered to. The word limit for an assessment item includes in text citations, tables and quotations. The word limit does not include the reference list. Please note the marker will cease marking your submitted work once they have reached the allocated word limit.


· Ensure that you use scholarly literature (digitised readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that have been published in in the last 5 years.

· Write in the third person and use academic language throughout.

· Refer to the marking criteria when writing your assignment. This will assist you in calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.


CRITERION ONE: Introduction

· Concise, opening paragraph that identifies the aim of the assignment (6)

· Defines an adverse event (4)


CRITERION TWO: Knowledge & Context

· Discuss the prevalence of one (1) chosen adverse event in an Australian hospital setting (6)

· Analyse the chosen preventable adverse event effects on the patient, patient’s family and health care system (14)


CRITERION THREE: Critical evaluation

· Critical evaluation of two (2) nursing strategies involving inter-professional practice that may be used to prevent the chosen adverse event (24)

Note: each strategy critically evaluated will be 12 marks. You may include the patient safety element in each strategy.

· Discuss the barriers in achieving the chosen identified strategies in a hospital setting (10)

· Present a clear description on how the nurse may overcome the barriers in a hospital setting and promote patient safety (10)


CRITERION FOUR: Presentation and Structure

· Presents essay in a logical manner

· Adheres to word limit of 2000 words

· Uses academic language throughout

· Essay is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, and well-constructed sentence and paragraph structure


CRITERION FIVE: Referencing5

· Essay is supported with no fewer than 10 scholarly relevant sources from the last 5 years.

· In-text citations are appropriate and correct

· Referencing as per APA 6th Edition



· Has a concluding paragraph that summarises the overall argument in the assessment.

· Does not introduce any new information in the conclusion


Total Marks

[ weighted at 50%]

Identify the nursing theories that appeal to you and you consider appropriate for your area of advanced practice nursing.

Where, your Personal Philosophy of Care is certainly not a group project, written critical dialog combined with reflection will support the creation of collaborative caring relationships. As we journey into defining our own philosophy of care, working within a culture of caring will support our self discovery and facilitate the articulation of theory, ethics, values and philosophy that we will call our own. Directions: Develop an outline for your Personal Philosophy of Care. •A. Identify the nursing theories that appeal to you and you consider appropriate for your area of advanced practice nursing. •B. Begin to build a thesis statement for your Personal Theoretical Framework for nursing.

Provide the mission and vision statements for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Provide the mission and vision statements for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Summarize each major functional “Office” in the agency (not administrative or staff areas). There are four. Who heads each of these offices?

For example: the Office of Infectious Disease. What are its areas of responsibility? Who heads that office? One of the pages should be an organizational chart. Three references required

The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) address patient safety issues within health care organizations

Max Points: 5.0

The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) address patient safety issues within health care organizations. First, review the current NSPGs at http://www.jointcommission.org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx. Next, determine three patient safety issues that are being addressed by your health care organization (or health care organizations in general). Lastly, identify the actions the organization is taking, or identify three action-item issues to be addressed by health care organizations in general. What actions should the health care organization take regarding each of these NPSGs, and why? What goals do they need to achieve? Support your responses with a minimum of two peer-reviewed references.

What actions should the health care organization take regarding each of these NPSGs, and why? What goals do they need to achieve?

Max Points: 5.0

The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) address patient safety issues within health care organizations. First, review the current NSPGs at http://www.jointcommission.org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx. Next, determine three patient safety issues that are being addressed by your health care organization (or health care organizations in general). Lastly, identify the actions the organization is taking, or identify three action-item issues to be addressed by health care organizations in general. What actions should the health care organization take regarding each of these NPSGs, and why? What goals do they need to achieve? Support your responses with a minimum of two peer-reviewed referenc

Discuss this article in relation to states’ judicial and legislative powers and occupational safety and health issues.

Read the article “Mandatory Vaccination of Health Care Workers” by Alexandra M. Stewart from the New England Journal of Medicine. Discuss this article in relation to states’ judicial and legislative powers and occupational safety and health issues. Must be 325 words, 3 scholarly sources cited in APA.

Wedding cake for a gay marriage: An account of some of the issues raised at the Supreme Court hearing.

W(riting Assignment) 1: Dialogue

Main Instructions: Create a short dialogue in which the characters discuss one of the three philosophical issues listed below. You’re not obligated to read the linked articles, but you’re welcome to mention anything in them without special citation. I didn’t choose the articles very carefully, I just wanted to offer something to help get you thinking in each case. We didn’t talk about kneeling during the National Anthem in class, but this is still a reasonable thing to write about if it interests you.

· The essence/definition of games: A long-winded very philosophicl attempt to give a formal definition for game,

· Wedding cake for a gay marriage: An account of some of the issues raised at the Supreme Court hearing.

· The right to kneel during the National Anthem.


1. 600-1000. More words is not better. My example from class was 753 words.

2. Due by Sunday, Feb. 4, at midnight.

3. Submit using the Turnitin link above. Be sure it submits, wait for the receipt page to confirm that it transmitted.

4. For format see my sample. Include a good title correctly capitalized. If you’re unsure about capitalization use a website like this one: http://titlecaseconverter.com

5. Include a Central Question at the top of the assignment to help keep you focused. Ideally, your characters aren’t just rambling. Their conversation should have some structure, and focusing on one central question will facilitate this. The central question can be pretty much anything related to the topics above. It’s usually best to stick with a relatively “small question,” that is, keep FOCUSED.

6. This paper should not include any quotations. I’m interested in your own thoughts and words.

Grading: The assignment will be graded on these three criteria:

1. Do your characters give REASONS for their beliefs? A reason always answers a WHY question.

2. Are you fair to both characters? (You can have more than two, but this is so short that two is probably best.)

3. Is the writing clear and natural? Clarity and simplicity are the main goals for good writing.

Plagiarism, Citations, etc PLEASE READ:

1. Plagiarism is using another person’s words, information or ideas in your own work without appropriate acknowledgement. NEVER use the exact words of another person without quotation marks, and never paraphrase without acknowledgement. Remember, it is the student’s responsibility to understand what counts as plagiarism. If you have any doubts, ask.

2. If instances of plagiarism arise, I will go through the formal procedures requested by the University, including writing a letter to report the incident.

3. For this assignment, I’m not asking you to do any outside reading. You can write this dialogue based merely on class discussion and your own thoughts. If so, then you don’t need any citations of any kind. Moreover, you may also make use of ideas in any of the linked articles above without citation.

4. However, it can be appropriate to read other sources to help clarify your own thoughts. If you read a source and you find an idea that you want to mention, then the source deserves to be cited. I’m not concerned about the style of citations, but there must be enough information for me to find the original. For this project it would be fine to include citations within the text like so: As argued by John Smith at www.abortioniswrong.com… Or alternatively, you may include an end note that includes the relevant information.

5. One of the best bits of advice I can offer: CLOSE YOUR BROWSER AND ALL SOURCES WHEN YOU WRITE. Not only does this eliminate most plagiarism issues, it improves the writing. Good writing comes from your own thoughts; trying to extract ideas from a text as you write results in awkward sentences and poorly structured paragraphs.

Cryptography research paper

Cryptography research paper

Crypto is a component of security, not the other way around. however, if you are looking at how crypto is applied in realm of security [such as you stated message transmission ] then your paper topic works well.

The Research paper must be written in APA format atleast 5 work cited, atleast two of the work cited should be peer reviewed articles and 10 page minimal length plagarism free