Design a class that you would like to teach someday

Design a class that you would like to teach someday. The class must be at least 4 hours in length and must be multiple sessions. It can be four sessions of 1 hour each, or two sessions of 2 hours each, depending on your topic and target audience.

Begin by describing the institution that is sponsoring the class (e.g., academic, hospital, or community agency). Include the philosophy of the sponsoring organization and how that will affect the course you are developing.

Explain how you determined a need for this class (needs assessment).

Write a one-paragraph description of the class.

Identify the target audience.

Identify the learning resources you will use for the class (textbooks or other resources).

Write the program outcomes for the course and the learner objectives for each class session. Indicate which domains of learning are represented by each learner objective.

There is no predetermined length criterion for this assignment. It is intended that each student will develop a class that they can use in their selected area of education. You will complete this project in your next course, NUR-649E.

 health effects, politics, and regulatory control of tobacco use control  efforts


Tobacco use is the primary cause of  mortality in the United States today. Tobacco use is responsible for  cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and heart  disease and has caused the deaths of nearly half a million people per  year. Tobacco control, prevention, and treatment are compelling and  urgent public health issues. The development of tobacco control laws  have been passed by a number of states.

Write a comprehensive overview of the  health effects, politics, and regulatory control of tobacco use control  efforts. Your paper should be based on the following points:

what is to be learned and appreciated” from those with whom we disagree


the prompts for discuss

1.Entwistle asserts: “those with whom we disagree often have things to teach us… [we must] ask ourselves what is to be learned and appreciated” from those with whom we disagree. Identify at least 3 things that you appreciate/can learn from those who hold the secular combatants’ or Christian combatants’ versions of the Enemies model.

2.After reading chapter 9 and watching the Antagonism video, what concerns, if any, do you have about the influence of secular assumptions on the field of psychology? What concerns, if any, do you have about the claims and counsel of the nouthetic counseling movement

at least 500 words in response to the question you select to answer and must support your assertions with at least 3 citations in current APA format with the referenced book by Entwistle, D. (2015). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration (3rd ed.). Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN: 9781498223485.

Social Psychology Breakdown


Social Psychology Breakdown

Methodology breakdowns should be 1 paragraph, double spaced.

For the breakdowns, please be sure to include the following:

1) Explanation of the week’s topic field (social psychology methods).

2) Description of how research is typically conducted in this field.

3) Examination of how the article applies this methodology to produce their findings (must use APA style to cite article at least one time).

Spirituality Assessment In Nursing Care

Spirituality Assessment In Nursing Care

This assignment introduces you to spiritual concepts. Identify an individual (friend or family member) willing to participate in a spiritual assessment. Use the two different tools, HOPE questions and the FICA tool (Attached) to interview the participant. Share your findings in a 3 page paper *along with a reflection about which tool you found was the most helpful in guiding your nursing care*. Discuss what situations you would you choose to use each tool.

 What are risk factors and how do they impact the cultures you serve as a nurse?

Cultural Sensitivity: Risk Factors

 What are risk factors and how do they impact the cultures you serve as a nurse?

In a 1-2 page Word document, explain about risk factors for a different culture. (Hispanic Culture) You may conduct independent online research to provide information for your response. Please cite any outside research sources.

  1. What is the definition of risk factors?
  2. Select a different culture than your own (Hispanic Culture) and describe two risk factors.
  3. What one nursing strategy can you implement to effectively care for this culture, based upon the risk factors that you identified?
  4. Identify one health promotion intervention that might reduce the risk factor.

Moral Psychology of Terrorism response

Terrorism Reply 7



1. Moral Psychology of Terrorism (2013) Introduction

2. Horgan, J. G. (2017). Psychology of terrorism: Introduction to the special issue. American Psychologist, 72(3), 199-204. doi:10.1037/amp0000148

Original Question:

For this week’s Forum, respond to the following:   This week, we investigate the recruitment methods used by terrorist organizations to attract members to carry out their goals. The methods used have been compared to those used by traditional organizations, enacting organizational and managerial processes familiar to most.

· After reviewing the course materials for the week, discuss the aspects of recruitment and membership in terrorist organizations as they compare to that of the traditional organization.

· Consider how you view terrorist recruitment efforts as affecting the lone wolf (or lone actor) terrorist engaging in activity on behalf of the organization, and share your position and rationale with the group.

Reply to the following response with 200 words minimum. (please make response as if having a conversation, respond directly to some of the statements in below post. This is not providing an analysis of the original post. Respectfully address it and even ask clarifying or additional questions.)


Should we try un-making terrorists? I say, why not? I think this can be seen as another method to fight terrorism. Recruiting criminals when they are incarcerated is really nothing new since this tactic has been used on drug trafficking organizations, for example, to collect information from the recruited criminal (turned informant) in order to catch other members/drug kingpins and thwart their operations. People are more vulnerable when they are in crisis, in trouble, and they are running out of options to get back to their normal world. This is the case of Abdurahman Khadr when he found himself away from his family and in the custody of the “American forces” (Eve2020’s channel, 2007). When the CIA made him the offer to work for them as an informant in exchange of a monthly payment, Abdurahman didn’t have to think twice about taking the offer. After all, he had control of nothing and nobody knew he was in that corner of the world, in other words, he was in no position to make any demands, he was vulnerable and in crisis. So, individuals in this type of circumstances are ideal, in my opinion, for recruitment which provides an opportunity to change (to what degree? I don’t know) the person.

On the other hand, the CIA perceived Abdurahman as a very valuable informant not only because of the potential intelligence they could obtain from him, but also because “they found … [him] very good with people, very good with languages, with cultures. … [Abdurahman could] fit in anywhere in a very fast time. … [He could] find people to become friends with” (McKenna, 2004). So, it was convenient for both of the parties to enter into an agreement. Also, terrorists join a group for several reasons that may not be primarily ideological (such as joining the group mainly to get a steady income because their circumstances didn’t allow them to get a traditional job), therefore, if, for example, someone offers one of them a secure, decent income that doesn’t require risking his life and, on the contrary to terrorism, re-incorporates the individual into society, then the person most likely will take the offer and, hopefully, will stay forever away from anything that has to do with terrorism.


Eve2020’s channel. (2007, July 2). Son of Al Qaeda (part 4) 1. Working for the CIA. [Video file]. Retrieved from

McKenna, T. (2004). (McKenna, 2004)Frontline. Retrieved from


Good evening everyone,

One of the takeaways that I gathered from reading this week is that people will be people. According to the Khadr interviews, Osama, under his heinous acts still had family and financial issues like everyone else. Furthermore, those who lived around Osama wanted forbidden items such as ice and American sodas and would sneak them where they were not allowed. This boils down to human nature and deep inside every human, there are similarities. This is how we can “un-make” terrorist. Although not everyone can be converted, we must at least make an attempt because the one person out a million that turns informant can make the world of difference in national security. Additionally, I do not see being an informant and re-entering society as a non-threat as the being synonymous. The greatest difference is the ability to maintain accountability for a “former” terrorist when they are on their own compared to when they are assisting an agency. The United States cannot seem to monitor or account for millions of people who are illegally in the country I do not think that keeping track of former terrorist would be any different. Although it is true that former terrorist do not always have to remain terrorist but they have earned the right to be constantly be tracked and monitored by the government in my opinion. Just as felons lose certain rights or abilities such as voting, owning guns, traveling abroad, employment opportunities, and so on, the former terrorist should be restricted in what they can do as well.

Moving on, transforming terrorist into non-perpetrators is dependent upon the situation. I believe this question ties in well with the last question of our weekly forum. Looking for someone who would make a good candidate for flipping is also dependent and a relative scenario. Each of these questions ties in with recruiting terrorist for suicide bombings that we covered a few weeks ago. People become desperate with no hope in life because of their horrible living conditions and simply seek to hope and because of terrorist organizations, these people find that hope in death. The terror groups in many places do not live above the standards of the common inhabitants of the country and that should be taken into consideration when deciding who to flip. If individuals are willing to die to have hope and not live in constant misery, some would “change sides” if given the opportunity also. Seeking individuals who have suffered great loss and lack a will to maintain their current predicament are in my opinion, great candidates to transform into non-perpetrators and/or informants.




Good Afternoon Classmates,

Although the forum discussion asked us not to automatically deny a terrorist the potential possibility to reintegrate into normal civilian life, it is difficult (especially as a member of the military) to imagine terrorists becoming an honest asset to our society. Even as a young child, I was taught who good people were and what made people bad. In 99.9% of cases, terrorists and the ideas of terrorism were bad. In that .1% that terrorism was not bad is when it was in favor of our nation. Looking from our terrorist’s perspective, America is technically a terrorist to them because we are fighting against them for some of the same reasons they are fighting against us. So how does one try to ignore that fact when thinking about reintegration?

· How do we un-make terrorists? Should we try? They all cannot be converted to informants.

·    For most individuals in terrorist organizations, it may be nearly impossible to successfully integrate them into society. Being that they have literally been raised to become terrorists and carry out terrorist acts (i.e. suicide bombings and placing IEDs in the ground), it is difficult for mental health professionals to reverse the mind of a terrorist that has been bred. Think about the counter-argument. Is it easy for an outstanding citizen to turn into a full-blown terrorist that performs terrorist actions on behalf of an organization? Recent terrorists attacks (for example, the Las Vegas shooting at a concert that killed numerous innocent victims and injured hundreds more), suggest that people who have thrived in a normal society can easily be persuaded into committing terrorist crimes. Although the Las Vegas shooter was not yet tied to any terrorist groups, his motives were to kill innocent people in order to send a message; therefore, his actions were equivalent to an organization crime normally committed by a terrorist group. To un-make a terrorist would take months if not years of consistent, intense therapy. If at all successful, it would be a constant strive for normalization on the individual’s part and would take an immense amount of motivation and influence.

· Given that reality, what shall we do to transform them into non-perpetrators of terror?

·    If society was as forgiving for the sake of this discussion, it would be imperative for people to not be quick to judge a transformed prior-terrorist. The process of transformation into a normal citizen would look similar to that of integrating a person with a severe mental disorder that is now under control.

· What should we look for in determining which terrorist might be a good candidate for un-making?

·    Terrorists that were forced into joining the organization against their will would be, in my opinion, the best candidates to attempt integration into society. Since they were either threatened or their family was threatened if the person did not join the group, they would probably be more willing to leave the group and become a normal citizen if the threats were promised to end. Their eagerness to return to society would make them a valuable asset and honest citizen.

Have a great weekend!


** Please don’t just rephrase their info, but respond to it. Remember to answer question at the end if there is one. **

Violence and the Duty to Protect

February Week 3a

Case Study Four Worksheet

Case 4. Research on Intimate Partner

Violence and the Duty to Protect

Dr. Daniela Yeung, a community psychologist, has been conducting a federally funded ethnographic study of men’s attitudes toward intimate partner violence following conviction and release from prison for spousal abuse. Over the course of a year, she has had individual monthly interviews with 25 participants while they were in jail and following their release. Aiden, a 35-year-old male parolee convicted of seriously injuring his wife, has been interviewed by Dr. Yeung on eight occasions. The interviews have covered a range of personal topics including Aiden’s problem drinking, which is marked by blackouts and threatening phone calls made to his parents and girlfriend when he becomes drunk, usually in the evening. To her knowledge, Aiden has never followed through on these threats. It is clear that Aiden feels very comfortable discussing his life with Dr. Yeung. One evening Dr. Yeung checks her answering machine and finds a message from Aiden. His words are slurred and angry: “Now that you know the truth about what I am you know that there is nothing you can do to help the evil inside me. The bottle is my savior and I will end this with them tonight.” Each time she calls Aiden’s home phone she gets a busy signal.

Ethical Dilemma

Dr. Yeung has Aiden’s address, and after 2 hours, she is considering whether or

not to contact emergency services to go to Aiden’s home or to the homes of his

parents and girlfriend.

Respond to the following questions in 1,500 to 1,750 words.

1. Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma?

2. Does this situation meet the standards set by the duty to protect statue? How might whether or not Dr. Yeung’s state includes researchers under such a statute influence Dr. Yeung’s ethical decision making? How might the fact that Dr. Yeung is a research psychologist without training or licensure in clinical practice influence the ethical decision?

3. How are APA Ethical Standards 2.01a b, and c; 2.04; 3.04; 3.06; 4.01; 4.02; and 10.10a relevant to this case? Which other standards might apply?

4. What are Dr. Yeung’s ethical alternatives for resolving this dilemma? Which alternative best reflects the Ethics Code aspirational principle and enforceable standard, as well as legal standards and Dr. Yeung’s obligations to stakeholders?

5. What steps should Dr. Yeung take to ethically implement her decision and monitor its effects?


Fisher, C. B. (2013). Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Behavioral Health Response to Disasters

Disaster Reply 7



1. Behavioral Health Response to Disasters, Author: Framingham, Julie:

Original Question:

For this week’s Forum, respond to the following:   Our discussion this week focuses on the mental health needs of an often-overlooked population, the first responders of disasters. The links below provide powerful insights and testimonials to the importance of protecting one’s mental health and may be helpful resources in the discussion.

Beyond Debriefing: How to Address Responders’ Emotional Health

Former Emergency Service Workers Speak Out about their Experiences with PTSD

Psychological Trauma and First Responders

· After reviewing the course materials, discuss, with detail, three things you believe are critical for first responders to know regarding potential threats of disaster response work to their mental health. These can be of a preparatory and preventative or a post-event recovery nature, or a combination. Selections should be critically important in maintaining or restoring one’s mental health.

Reply to the following response with 200 words minimum. (please make response as if having a conversation, respond directly to some of the statements in below post. This is not providing an analysis of the original post. Respectfully address it and even ask clarifying or additional questions.)


Being a first responder since the late 90’s I have seen a change in attitude towards the mental and well being of the responder. When I first began my service, I was told that I would see some tough things but I just had to push through it and move on to the next call. While there are some that still have this attitude, the mental health of the responder has been receiving more attention.

The first thing that must change is that mental health needs to be a priority at the management level. They must understand what services may need to be provided on the scene as well as the period following the event. This can not be something that is thought up once the event has happened but needs to be planned prior.

The second change that needs to occur is limiting the hours worked by responders. Most responders work until the job is done or they are replaced with a fresh crew. Waiting for a crew to reach exhaustion is to long for a crew to work. Once a crew hits exhaustion, they are in a worse position to take care of themselves. This “self-care” is when crews eat, hydrate and rest which are basic needs that each person has and should be met to promote good mental health (

The last change that I would suggest is that each responder should be empowered to recommend help to a co-worker. This responsibility should not fall solely on a supervisor since the subordinate may not feel comfortable to come forward with a problem. Each member of the team can make a recommendation for counseling for another member without fear of any negative action for possibly taking time off.


First responders have a very unique job that I would argue most people simply would not have the internal fortitude to do. These people regularly subject themselves to the worst tragedies society has to offer on a daily basis, and this decision is not driven by financial gain, or status but rather by an innate desire to help people. The problem with these jobs are they repeatedly subject these first responders to psychological trauma that can take a serious toll on anyone. The first critical skill I believe any first responder must master is compartmentalization, this is a psychological defense mechanism that can be used to relieve anxiety by preventing direct acknowledgement between separate states of being. Essentially this skill could prevent you from seeing a dead child at work, then seeing that reflected in your child when you get home, you compartmentalize what happens at work, from what happens when you are home. The drawback to compartmentalizing is if left untreated this can lead to hidden trauma by not addressing these tragedies, and allowing them to linger. Therefore the second thing I would recommend is to teach resilience, and understand how this can help a professional. When you spend your entire day existing in the worst of the world it is really easy, compartmentalized or not, to feel that this is all the world has to offer. Resiliency is the ability to force ourselves to draw from the power of positive psychology and see the good in the world, and focus on the positive, rather than the negative. And the final skill that I feel is crucial for a first responder is to remove any stigma that might tell you seeking professional help is a sign of weakness. When you spend your days as a fireman, nurse, police officer, EMT or any other first responder your shoulders are made to carry the weight of those you help, sometimes physically, sometimes emotionally, and even the strongest shoulders will wear out eventually. This is when you have to understand that seeking help is not only a sign of strength, but a necessity that can help make you feel “right” again. This help can manifest in a number of ways, from therapy with a psychologist, to time off to deflate and relax, “recharge the batteries”. Any of these measures can prove critical to allowing a first responder to mentally protect or heal themselves and enable them to continue their chosen vocation.


ASD is Acute Stress Disorder, now at first definition we see the words “acute” and “stress” and think oh, those are normal everyday descriptors of life. It isn’t until we get to that third word “disorder” that we see something may be wrong here. ASD is a psychological phenomenon or disorder that occurs within two to twenty-eight days after a traumatic event. We have become very familiar with PTSD that we have easily overlooked the starting point. Not the trauma itself but the direct effect of the trauma after it has occurred. ASD is present before PTSD in most cases. That is why understanding ASD is so important.

The three critical points that are crucial for all first responders are what I like to summarize as contain, care, and connect or CCC. The first C-contain, it is imperative that a first responder learn to contain their hours. It takes a special type of person to become and stay a first responder. The pay is not that great and the work in intense and in some cases constant. As a first responder there will be a tendency to want to go on past the regularly scheduled 12-hour shift. You get so wrapped up in your work that it becomes hard to stop and time seems to keep on moving. According to the article published by Adam Stone, many first responders just don’t know when to stop (Stone, 2013). Once you are in a disaster or on the scene of an incident you must see it through. The adrenaline is going and you feel like you can do it for another hours or so, or even more. One incident after another, on call after another and the urge to leave at the end of your shift or even take a break seems to fade away. Exhausting yourself after a grueling 12-hour shift could lead to physical exhaustion, a lack of efficiency, decision making is not as sharp, and among many other effects regrets. Rest, breaks, and stopping at the end of your shift is absolutely critical to an effective and healthy first responder.

The second C-care is absolutely paramount in the mental health of a first responder. They have to know that there are several forms of assistance available. Just because a first responder seeks help does not make them weak or less effective. The macho perfectionist persona must go, checking egos at the door and taking care of yourself first. An effective responder will not be that if they are not mentally intact. Taking care of yourself first before, during, and after an incident is number one. Taking care of each other then becomes priority number two. A responder may feel as if they are not comfortable talking to strangers or seeking help from outsiders but they may be more open to talking to one of their own. This is why it is so important to know your partner and your coworkers. When something just isn’t right, speak up and say something.

The finally C-connections, refers to outside sources that are readily available professionals that can be called on in the time of need and will respond. Making a good connections with a group or organization that is reliable and trustworthy makes the difference. Now, with the growing of several different post-traumatic stressors, more and more people are becoming aware of the need for post-incident mental health response. This is a great thing, however this means that any Nancy or Dr. Drew could come out of the woodworks to respond and that is just not conducive to an efficient program. Someone familiar, an organization that you have built a strong partnership with should be the only ones coming near your responders.

So, my three critical items can be summed up in the three C’s. Containment, Care, and Connections all extremely important in keeping a first responder, a first responder of sound mental health.


Stone, A. (September 30, 2013). Beyond debriefing: how to address responders’ emotional health. Retrieved from

** Please don’t just rephrase their info, but respond to it. Remember to answer question at the end if there is one. **


How do childhood experiences influence personality?

Pop Psychology In-Class Discussion

You have now chosen and updated the research question from Part 1 that you will focus on for the rest of the quarter. For Part 2, it’s time to find a popular news article that addresses this research question

my research question will be 

How do childhood experiences influence personality?

Important note: You will submit your assignment online on Wednesday, February 14

To prepare for our in-class discussion on Thursday, February 15, please read the news article you found for Part 3 of this “I’ve Always Wondered” assignment.

For Part 2, you will need to find a news article reporting on original psychology research. Your news article will be an online article from a popular news source, magazine, or website. The article should make a claim about the mind or behavior based on at least one original published research study, should be at least 4 paragraphs long (not just a blurb), and should be recent (from the last 5-10 years). When performing your search, try adding the words “research” and/or “study” to whatever topic you are searching for.

I’m looking for an article like these:

Do you see how each of these articles makes a specific claim and then focuses on describing an original published research study to support this claim? The goal is to find a news article of your own that focuses on at least one research study in detail and communicates this research in an accessible manner to the general public. Often times, the article will introduce this research study via something along the lines of: “In a recent study published in XXX journal…”

This is NOT what I’m looking for:

The relationships article contains no discussion of original research. The depression article has some good information, some of which was originally determined by research studies, but it is just a general review of depression (different types, causes, treatment), and there is no particular research study that is specifically addressed.

Feel free to send me a link of the article in advance if you are unsure whether it’s appropriate for this assignment. If you’d like feedback, you must send me the article at least 48 hours before the assignment is due.

You can let this assignment guide the development and focus of your research question. Let’s say you started out with the question: “How does the brain produce a lucid dream?” but then you come across an article about the relationship between dreaming and memory (ex. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) so you decide that you want to pursue this new but related avenue instead. That’s fine! Scientists are doing this all the time: starting out with one idea and then letting their own research and the research of others further guide and refine their original idea.

Having trouble finding something? Consider: The New York Times, ScienceDaily, Psychology Today, or any of these Psychology News Resources: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

As you read the article you’ve found, think about how credible this source is. What is the claim being made and how well does the evidence in the article back up this claim? Once you have read your article, complete the Part 2: Pop Psychology In-Class Discussion assignment.

Then turn in the following assignment ONLINE ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, which should be ~1.5 double-spaced Microsoft Word pages in length and should be submitted as a word doc (.doc) or a pdf (.pdf).  You will get points off if it’s not submitted in this format. Please submit the following:

FIRST: The title of your paper should be your UPDATED research question based on the feedback you received from me and your peers. 

THEN: IN ESSAY FORMAT, address the following FOUR prompts in order, separated into paragraphs:

1) Begin your paper by introducing the title and source of the article, and end this sentence with an in-text citation. Then answer: Do you think this article is credible? What features of the article make it more or less credible? Consider:

  • What type of source is it?
  • Who is the author and where is it published?
  • What audience is it intended for?
  • Is it well-written and detailed?
  • Does it define terms?
  • Does it ask questions?
  • Does it tolerate uncertainty or does it speak in definite terms like “prove”?
  • Does it consider other interpretations or does it oversimplify?

2) What is the major claim being made by the article?

3) What evidence is provided to support this claim?

  • Original research explained clearly and in detail? Experts in the field?
  • Does the article appeal more to logic or emotion?

4) Do you think this evidence is sufficient to support the claim? Why or why not? What information is this article missing that would make it stronger if included?

LAST: At the END of your paper, include the full APA reference for your online source. To do so, see the resources I’ve posted in this “I’ve Always Wondered” folder. Make sure the reference includes the full url so that I can easily access the original article.